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Personal Enrichment
Sgrafitto Plate (Intermediate) – Pottery Hand Building techniques
with Pam Hansen

Let's take your pottery hand building techniques and Sgraffito (in Italian "to scratch") decorating techniques up a notch in this class. Limit of 6 people. Previous experience required. 3 Wednesday sessions *no class 2/5
Additional Material Fee: $50, payable to instructor at first class by cash or check (please bring exact change)
Zen Tangled Heart
with Valeria Rienzi

Come and share with Valeria Rienzi CZT® a moment of creativity and relaxation through the Zentangle® Method.
In these three classes you are going to make a heart pattern decorated with beautiful tangles.
The project will be on Opus Tile (a Zentangle Tile of 10.5 inch)
3 Tuesday sessions
Feb. 4-25, 6-8pm *no class 2/18
Registration Fee:$60.
Material Fee for Returing Students: $5 (includes 1 Opus Tile)
Material Fee for New Students: $10 (includes Opus Tile, Sakura 01, 1 black graphite, 1 tortillon)
Material fees are paid to instructor and collected at the first class, in cash (ideally exact change) or a check.
Somatic Breathwork Journey
with Hannah Schwoerer

SomatIQ Breathwork™ is an embodiment experience. It takes you out of your thinking mind and into your body’s electrical network. It lets you release unneeded energy within this network caused by repeating thoughts, feelings, and old narratives by discharging it out through your body. Somatic Breathwork™, employs circular connected breathing coupled with rhythmic music to produce a cathartic emotional release. Hannah is a holistic life coach, certified SomatIQ Breathwork & reiki practitioner who specializes in nervous system regulation and cycle alignment. If you have, please bring Yoga mats/blankets / bolsters.
Tuesdays, Feb.11 or March 11 or April 8 or May 6, 6:00-7:30 pm
Registration Fee: $40
What can WFPB eating do for you?
with Christine Arnold

Christine Arnold, BSN MSed
Is losing weight, lowering your cholesterol, blood sugar or blood pressure on your to do list for 2025? This introduction class is focused on helping you understand the basics of eating a whole food plant based diet, its multiple benefits, and how you can get started on your way to a heathier you. Snacks will be provided. Christine is a Registered Nurse and health enthusiast, with over 30 years of experience in educating, supporting and empowering people to be their own best advocate for their health and wellbeing
Tuesday, Feb. 11, 6:00-8:00pm
Registration Fee: $36
How To Use Venmo Safely!
with Nickie Welsh

Stay relevant and up to date by learning all about Venmo, the popular mobile payment service. In this class, you’ll discover how to securely pay friends and businesses, as well as receive money without the need for cash or checks. You’ll gain a confident understanding of setting up Venmo safely, avoiding unnecessary fees, and applying it in real-world scenarios for you and your family. You'll be able to discuss the topic among family, friends and have an understanding of the key terms used when you hear about VENMO in the news! Join us to master Venmo and handle mobile payments with ease and security.
Please note that class is taught live online via Zoom. You will be sent a link prior to class. If a student is unable to attend the live online training time, they can still register and watch the recording of the training at their convenience. Follow-up support is also included from the instructor and students are encouraged to reach out with questions at any time before or after the class has concluded
Thursday, Feb. 13, 1:00-2:00pm
Medicare A-Z
with Tyler Kretschmar

The course will be an in depth look at Medicare, including details on every part, when to sign up, if you have to sign up, costs and coverages of each part. Reviewing extra help qualifications, enrollment periods, and income related monthly adjustment. Tyler is a holistic retirement planner in Dover NH covering Medicare, social security, finances, and estate planning.
Thursday,, Feb. 13 or March 20 or April 17 or May 22, 5-6:30pm
Google Apps
with Katie Lyons

Rice Public Library Tech Series
Join librarian Katie Lyons for AE technology classes at Rice Public Library!
There’s more to Gmail than meets the eye! Explore the apps that make Google Apps and Gsuite powerful, and all of the things you can do with your Gmail account.
Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People
with Craig Coffman

In just a few hours, you can learn enough secrets of the trade to give you years of musical enjoyment. Learn to play piano the way professionals do-using chords. Since this class is being held online with ZOOM you will be able to sit at your piano or keyboard at home and take this course with no pressure at all. And since this course includes an online book and online follow up video lessons, you will be able to continue your practice and study on your own. An optional periodic online question and answer session is also included. A recording of the class is included as well. The course is partly lecture/demonstration and partly hands on instruction.