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Music & Dance
in Personal Enrichment
The Art of Songwriting
with Theresa Kipp

Please note: second session dates are different then those printed in the brochure
During this course, you will explore the creative process of songwriting as you join Theresa Kipp, accomplished singer/songwriter, in the "How To's" of crafting original songs. You will examine your creative potential as we touch upon techniques for developing song structure, writing song lyrics, creating melody and harmony, and applying the principles of rhythm. You are guaranteed a fun, lighthearted, creative experience.
3 Thursday sessions
Feb. 27-March 13 and/or April 3-17, 6:00-8:00pm
*new students and existing students welcome in either session
Registration Fee: $65
Play the Ukulele, Your Journey begins here!
with Duncan Perry

Learn to play the ukulele! It has never been more popular and you don’t even have to know how to read music! On the uke you can knock out folk music, rock, blues, jazz, pop, country, tunes old and new -- even classical music. Duncan Perry, who has taught more than 700 students of all ages, will introduce you to essential chords and playing techniques using commonly known songs. You will need a playable ukulele and an electronic tuner or a tuner app. If you don’t own a ukulele, please contact us for information. Here’s your chance to find out how to play this wonderfully versatile, go anywhere instrument in our no-stress program for beginners.Pick the session that works for you. Prior to class, you will be sent a ZOOM link to join this class virtually. Pick which session date works for you.
Registration Fee: $79 per session